About Jo

About Jo

Jo Travers, author of The Low-Fad Diet is a professional, evidenced-based London nutritionist but offering online consultations in the UK worldwide. She has carried out over 1500 hours of one-to-one consultations with more than 600 clients, as well as the additional hours of workshops, research, and media work with the BBC, Channel 4, The Islam channel and more. She has more than 1000 followers on social media and has recently launched a YouTube channel.

She is a registered dietitian and provides confidential, individual nutrition advice to meet your personal situation and requirements. Please see the services page for specialist areas.

About JoAppointments

Clinics & Availability

London Nutritionist Clinics:

Harley Street (W1G) | Peckham (SE15) | Brockley (SE14) | Online

Availability & Prices

Workplace  Workshops

Workplace Workshops

It isn’t just flexibility and culture that make a great place to work. Benefits and wellbeing are both high on the list of employee’s must-haves. With hiring and retention of good people a challenge in today’s market, you can give your company an edge by providing tangible wellbeing benefits that really improve your staff’s life.

In-person and online.

Find out more


One to One & Group Workshops:

Meal plans

Weight management

Eating disorders

Vegetarian & plant-based diets

Gut health & IBS

Pregnancy, baby, children & teenagers

Sports nutrition


Workplace workshops & clinics

Content creation

Health screening



Brand communications


CorporateOne to One

The Nutrition Knowledge Hub

Want to change the way you look and feel?

The London Nutritionist knowledge hubs give you straight forward nutrition knowledge and practical advice to change your body and mind from the comfort of your home via desktop or the app.

Click below to enroll now or find out more and preview the courses

Check out the nutrition hubsFind out about The nutrition hubs
The Nutrition Knowledge Hub

Online Baby Weaning Workshop £25

Join us for my next online Baby Weaning Workshop The first Tuesday of every month at 10:30am. Are you a new parent or caregiver looking to introduce solid foods to your little one? This workshop is just for you! It is a small group workshop with a maximum of 10 people meaning that you will get tailored advice for your personal situation. 

During this interactive session, we will cover everything you need to know about weaning your baby in a fun and relaxed space. Jo will guide you through the process, providing valuable tips and answering all your burning questions.

Learn about the best time to start weaning, different food options, and how to ensure a balanced diet for your growing baby. We will also discuss common challenges and how to overcome them.

Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and connect with other parents on the same journey. Register now and get ready to embark on the exciting adventure of introducing solid foods to your little one! Email jo@thelondonnutritionist.co.uk to book your place.

Meal Plans

Meal Plans

Meal plans can be a great way to get started on your goals. Fill in an online questionnaire and I will tailor a plan to meet your lifestyle and needs

Get a meal plan

Brand Communications


  • “I met Jo around four years ago when my weight at that time had gone through the roof and when I reached 90 kgs, I was desperate and morbidly obese. I looked into different nutritionists, but Jo came across absolutely like the perfect guide. She wasn’t only a dietitian, she also taught me to eat meaningfully and to treat food as fuel and not as comfort only. In around a year, thankfully to her support, guidance, tips and amazing knowledge I dropped 25kg and from a size 18 I went down to a size 10.

    I could never recommend enough her method and her as a person. Jo supported me in good and bad moments. It was a tough journey, I had many sets back and many times I slipped into bad habits again, but she has always been at the other end ready to make me think and analyse where the problem was and how we could, together, overcome it.”

  • “I was really pleased with the results of my diet, and Jo´s approach to nutrition was so accurate and easy to adapt to my lifestyle. She has been by far one of the best nutritionists I have met and I am so happy I had the chance to change my diet habits for the rest of my life.

    I found Jo´s sessions very helpful, there was always something new to learn. I would suggest everyone interested in changing diet habits for life, to approach Jo and work together with her in achieving goals.”

    Thomas Fernandez
  • “At the point when I first went to see Jo I was pretty desperate. I’d been binging on huge amounts of chocolate, cake, biscuits… anything bad! And not eating much else. I was seriously low generally, I felt awful about the way I looked and I was also desperately hungry – starving myself to gain back the calories I’d consumed bingeing meant I was ravenous (not that I realised at the time) and would eventually give in and binge again. This is basically the vicious cycle I’ve been in for years with food: and getting bigger and bigger as a result. Jo was, and has been, extremely patient and kind. And she listened. She recognised the emotional side of my eating and has helped me to gradually change my relationship with food – but, while I’d known this already – I don’t think I’d ever realised how much was actually very practically resolved – by eating proper food regularly.

    This hasn’t happened overnight – but we have found that every time I’ve started bingeing again I’ve needed to return to the completely obvious idea of this basic eating plan – 3 meals a day. Carbs, proteins and veg. Every time I have forgotten, Jo’s reminded me how to get back on track. It now seems so simple – but it’s taken a while to change my eating patterns as I’ve had to retrain myself after years of terrible eating habits that had gradually formed from following unsustainable diets. I’ve needed Jo’s input – and it’s been amazing how it now feels like I am eating the way I will always eat: as in it feels sustainable (not like when you are thinking ahead to the end of a diet and being able to eat normally again!!) and I’ve gradually lost around 3 stone doing it. I’ve got more to go. I do other things like exercise too. But because I eat normally and healthily now I have enough energy to exercise lots. I love eating now in a way I could never do before – I felt guilty whatever I ate – whereas now it seems normal to eat a full, proper meal and to have treats now and then and be able to control it. Still not completely there yet – but after years of trying and failing I feel really happy in myself and it’s a huge relief – in massive part thanks to Jo’s way of doing things.”

  • “Before I met Jo, my eating habits were a result of information that I had cobbled together from lifestyle magazines, hearsay, and my own opinion: no wonder I was left with something that didn’t work and I wasn’t happy with. Following Jo’s plan was a revelation: I thought healthy eating had to be difficult and tortuous, but Jo showed me that keeping a varied, balanced, and healthy diet can be simple as well as enjoyable! The principles of the plan are clear and easy to put in practice, even at the busiest of times – I think that’s what makes this a life-long sustainable plan. Furthermore, there is scientific, medical evidence behind the plan, which I think matters when committing to it. Jo’s plan has transformed my relationship with food to a positive, healthy and happy one and I am sure it will do the same for others!”

    Paul Harvey